Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in the Republic of India
(Covers: the People's Republic of Bangladesh, the Kingdom of Bhutan, the Republic of Maldives, the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka)
Contact details:
Address: A-15 West End, New Delhi 110021, India
Phone: 0091 11 4166 3101, 4166 3102, 4166 3103
Fax: 0091 11 4166 3100, 2411 6873
E-mail: croemb.new-delhi@mvep.hr
Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in the Republic of India, Mumbai
Mrs. Czaee Shah, Honorary Consul
Contact details:
Address: A/52, Darshan Apartments, Mt. Pleasant Road, Mumbai - 400 006, India
Phone: 00 91 22 23 67 84 51
Fax: 00 91 22 22 02 11 74
E-mail: croatiamumbai@gmail.com
Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in the Republic of India, Kolkata
Mr. Arun Poddar, Honorary Consul
Contact details:
Address: Poddar Court 9th Floor, Gate No. 1, 18 Rabindra Sarani, Kolkata – 700 001,West Bengal, India
Phone: 0091 33 2225 0352 / 4147
Fax: 0091 33 2225 0348
E-mail: honcroconkol@kol.org.in
Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Mr. Kazi Nabil Ahmed, Honorary Consul
Contact details:
Address: House 44, Road 16 (Old 27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh
Phone: 88 02 9138246-52
E-mail: Croatian.consulate@gemcongroup.com
Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Kathmandu
Mr. Amir Rana, Honorary Consul
Contact details:
Address: „Universal Group", 28 Lohsal, Maharigunj, Ringroad, Nepal
Phone: + 977 1 4015 551/ 4373 134
Fax: + 977 1 4015 552
E-mail: honcroconsulate@ugnepal.com